ਫਰਮਾ:No translator info
![]() | This work has been identified as an English translation where the translator is unknown. Without information about the translator, it is impossible to determine the copyright status of this work, making it a potential copyright violation. By identifying the translator or locating another translation which meets Wikisource's Copyright Policy, you may remove this notice and prevent the deletion of this work. See also Wikisource:Translations. |
[ਸੋਧੋ]Use this template on works in the mainspace that are English translations of non-English works with no states translator. Translations have their own copyright separate to that of the original work. If the translator is not known, it is not possible to confirm that the translation is in the public domain, risking a copyright violation.
{{no translator info}} {{no translator info|Add notes here}}
[ਸੋਧੋ]This template adds pages to Category:Translations without translator information specified.
To prevent categorisation, enter the template as:
{{no translator info|nocat=yes}}