Documentation for this module may be created at ਮੌਡਿਊਲ:Creator/doc
__ __ _ _ ____ _
| \/ | ___ __| |_ _| | ___ _ / ___|_ __ ___ __ _| |_ ___ _ __
| |\/| |/ _ \ / _` | | | | |/ _ (_) | | '__/ _ \/ _` | __/ _ \| '__|
| | | | (_) | (_| | |_| | | __/_| |___| | | __/ (_| | || (_) | |
|_| |_|\___/ \__,_|\__,_|_|\___(_)\____|_| \___|\__,_|\__\___/|_|
This module is intended to be the engine behind "Template:Creator".
Please do not modify this code without applying the changes first at
"Module:Creator/sandbox" and testing at "Module:Creator/testcases".
Authors and maintainers:
* User:Jarekt - original version
Handling of the fields
|field name | property | pull | push | missing | mismatch | redundant
|Name | label | 1 | 0 | | |
|Alternative names | aliases | 1 | 0 | | |
|Sortkey | P734,P735 | 1 | 0 | | | 1
|Birthdate | P569 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1
|Deathdate | P570 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1
|Birthloc | P19 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1
|Deathloc | P20 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1
|Workperiod |P2031,P2032| 1 | | | |
| | P1317 | | | | |
|Workloc | P937 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1
|Image | P18 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1
|Homecat | P373 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1
|Nationality | P27, P172 | 1 | | 1 | 1 | 1
|Gender | P21 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1
|Occupation | P106 | 1 | | 1 | | 1
|Linkback | P1472 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1
|Wikisource | sitelinks | 1 | 0 | | 0 | 1
|Wikiquote | sitelinks | 1 | 0 | | 0 | 1
pull - can we pull data from wikidata ?
- 1 - commons then wikidata
- - not implemented yet
- 0 - will not implement
push - upload to wikidata through quick statements?
missing - detect if missing on Wikidata
mismatch - detect mismatch between wikidata and commons
redundant - detect if redundant identical values on wikidata and commons
local Wikidata2 = require("Module:Wikidata label") -- used for creation of name based on wikidata
local getDate = require("Module:Wikidata date")._date -- used for processing of date properties
local qualifierDate = require("Module:Wikidata date")._qualifierDate -- used for processing of date qualifiers
local authorityControl = require("Module:Authority control")._authorityControl -- used for formatting of Authority control row
local alterName = require("Module:Name")._name -- used for adding "option" fields to "name"
local City = require("Module:City") -- used to add wikidata bases links to names of places
local ISOdate = require("Module:ISOdate") -- used for internationalization of dates
local NationAndOccupation = require("Module:NationAndOccupation")._NationAndOccupation
local labels = require("Module:I18n/creator")
-- ==================================================
-- === Internal functions ===========================
-- ==================================================
local function empty2nil(str)
if str=='' then
return nil
return str;
local function intersect(A, B) -- find intersection of tables A and B
local ret = {}
for _, a in ipairs(A or {}) do
for _, b in ipairs(B or {}) do
if a==b then
table.insert(ret, b)
return ret
local function isodate2timestamp(dateStr)
-- convert isodate to timestamp used by quick statements
local tStamp = nil
if string.match(dateStr,"^%d%d%d%d$") then -- if YYYY format
tStamp = '+' .. dateStr .. '-00-00T00:00:00Z/9'
elseif string.match(dateStr,"^%d%d%d%d%-%d%d$") then -- if YYYY-MM format
tStamp = '+' .. dateStr .. '-00T00:00:00Z/10'
elseif string.match(dateStr,"^%d%d%d%d%-%d%d%-%d%d$") then -- if YYYY-MM-DD format
tStamp = '+' .. dateStr .. 'T00:00:00Z/11'
return tStamp
local function langSwitch(list,lang)
local langList = mw.language.getFallbacksFor(lang)
for i,language in ipairs(langList) do
if list[language] then
return list[language]
return nil
local function info_box(text, lang, qCode)
return string.format('<table class="messagebox plainlinks layouttemplate" style="border-collapse:collapse; border-width:2px; border-style:solid; width:100%%; clear: both; '..
'border-color:#f28500; background:#ffe;direction:ltr; border-left-width: 8px; ">'..
'<td class="mbox-image" style="padding-left:.9em;">'..
' [[File:Commons-emblem-issue.svg|class=noviewer|45px]]</td>'..
'<td class="mbox-text" style="">%s</td>'..
'</tr></table>', string.format(langSwitch(labels[text],lang), qCode))
-- ====================================================================
-- This function is responsible for producing HTML of a single row of the template
-- At this stage all the fields are already filed. There is either one or two fields
-- * param1 and param2 - structures for 2 fields containing fields:
-- - tag - I18n tag used for localization of the field name. Usually name of page in MediaWiki namespace which was imported from translatewiki.org.
-- Alternative is to pass already translated field name.
-- - field - field content
-- - id - ID tag added to HTML's <td> cell. if IDs of 2 fields ar the same than we ignore the second one
-- - wrapper - some fields need a <span class=...> wrapper around the field content
-- ====================================================================
local function Build_html_row(param1, param2, args)
local tag, cell1, cell2, cell3
local field1 = args[param1.field]
local field2 = args[param2.field]
if field1=='' then field1=nul; end
if field2=='' then field2=nul; end
if not (field1 or field2 or args.demo) then
return nil
if field2 then tag = param2.tag else tag = param1.tag end -- use different tag based on presence of field2
if string.sub(tag,1,10) == 'wm-license' then
tag = mw.message.new( tag ):inLanguage(args.lang):plain() -- label message in args.lang language
cell1 = string.format('<td style="%s">%s</td>\n', args.style2, tag)
if param1.id==param2.id then -- 2 cell row
cell2 = string.format('<td colspan="2" style="%s" id="%s">'.. param1.wrapper ..'</td>', args.style1, param1.id, field1 or '')
cell3 = ''
else -- 3 cell row
cell2 = string.format('<td style="min-width:100px; %s" id="%s">\n%s</td>', args.style1, param1.id, field1 or '')
cell3 = string.format('<td style="min-width:100px; %s" id="%s">\n%s</td>', args.style1, param2.id, field2 or '')
return string.format('<tr valign="top">\n%s%s%s</tr>\n', cell1, cell2, cell3)
-- ====================================================================
-- === This function is just responsible for producing HTML of the ===
-- === template. At this stage all the fields are already filed ===
-- ====================================================================
local function Build_html(args, cats)
local field
args.style1 = 'border:1px solid #aaa;'
args.style2 = 'background-color:#e0e0ee; font-weight:bold; ' .. args.style1
args.style3 = 'min-width:130px; ' .. args.style1
-- Top line with Creator name, lifespan and link icons -
field = string.format('<span class="fn" id="creator"><bdi>%s\n</bdi></span> %s', args.name or 'missing name', args.lifespan or '')
field = string.format('%s [[File:Blue pencil.svg|15px|link=Creator:%s]]', field, args.linkback or '')
if args.wikidata then -- Wikidata Link
field = string.format('%s [[File:Wikidata-logo.svg|20px|wikidata:%s|link=wikidata:%s]]', field, args.wikidata, args.wikidata)
if args.wikisource then --Wikisource link
field = string.format('%s [[File:Wikisource-logo.svg|15px|%s|link=%s]]', field, args.wikisource, args.wikisource)
if args.wikiquote then --Wikiquote link
field = string.format('%s [[File:Wikiquote-logo.svg|15px|%s|link=%s]]', field, args.wikiquote, args.wikiquote)
if args.QS then -- quick_statement link to upload missing info to wikidata
field = string.format('%s %s', field, args.QS)
local line = string.format('<th colspan="4" style="%s">%s</th>', args.style2, field)
local results = {}
table.insert(results, string.format('<tr valign="top">\n%s\n</tr>\n', line))
-- add other fields
local param = {
{tag='wm-license-creator-alternative-names' , field='alternative_names', id='fileinfotpl_creator_alt-name_value' , wrapper='<span class="nickname">\n%s</span>' },
{tag='wm-license-creator-description' , field='description' , id='fileinfotpl_creator_desc_value' , wrapper='%s' },
{tag='wm-license-creator-date-of-birth' , field='birthdate' , id='fileinfotpl_creator_birthdate_value' , wrapper='%s' },
{tag='wm-license-creator-date-of-birth-and-death' , field='deathdate' , id='fileinfotpl_creator_deathdate_value' , wrapper='%s' },
{tag='wm-license-creator-location-of-birth' , field='birthloc' , id='fileinfotpl_creator_birthloc_value' , wrapper='%s' },
{tag='wm-license-creator-location-of-birth-and-death', field='deathloc' , id='fileinfotpl_creator_deathloc_value' , wrapper='%s' },
{tag='wm-license-creator-work-period' , field='workperiod' , id='fileinfotpl_creator_work-period_value', wrapper='%s' },
{tag='wm-license-creator-work-location' , field='workloc' , id='fileinfotpl_creator_work-location' , wrapper='<span class="locality">\n%s</span>' },
{tag=args.authority_tag , field='authority' , id='fileinfotpl_creator_authority_value' , wrapper='%s' },
{tag='wm-license-artwork-references' , field='references' , id='fileinfotpl_creator_references' , wrapper='<span>\n%s</span>'}
table.insert(results, Build_html_row(param[ 1], param[ 1], args))
table.insert(results, Build_html_row(param[ 2], param[ 2], args))
table.insert(results, Build_html_row(param[ 3], param[ 4], args))
table.insert(results, Build_html_row(param[ 5], param[ 6], args))
table.insert(results, Build_html_row(param[ 7], param[ 7], args))
table.insert(results, Build_html_row(param[ 8], param[ 8], args))
table.insert(results, Build_html_row(param[ 9], param[ 9], args))
table.insert(results, Build_html_row(param[10], param[10], args))
-- Image on the Left
if not args.image and args.demo then
args.image = 'Silver - replace this image male.svg'
if args.image then --Wikiquote link
field = string.format('[[File:%s|120x360px|alt=%s|class=photo]]', args.image, args.name or '')
local n = #results -- number of rows below
line = string.format('<td rowspan="%i" style="width:120px" id="fileinfotpl_creator_image"><span class="wpImageAnnotatorControl wpImageAnnotatorOff">%s</span></td>', n, field)
table.insert(results, 2, string.format('<tr valign="top">\n%s\n</tr>\n', line) )
results = table.concat(results)
-- build table
local dir, text_align
local collapsed = ''
if mw.language.new( args.lang ):isRTL() then
dir = 'rtl'
text_align = 'right'
dir = 'ltr'
text_align = 'left'
if args.collapse or args.namespace == 6 then
collapsed = 'collapsed'
local style = string.format('class="toccolours collapsible %s" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0" style="direction:%s; text-align:%s; border-collapse:collapse; background:#f0f0ff; border:1px solid #aaa;" lang="%s"',
collapsed, dir, text_align, args.lang)
results = string.format('<table %s>\n%s\n</table>\n', style, results)
results = string.format('<div class="vcard">\n%s\n</div>\n', results)
-- add references and documentation which are only visible in creator namespace
if args.namespace==100 then
local box =''
if args.wikidata and string.match(cats,'missing linkback') then
box = info_box('missing_linkback', args.lang, args.wikidata)
elseif args.wikidata and string.match(cats,'without home category') then
box = info_box('missing_homecat', args.lang, args.wikidata)
local doc = mw.getCurrentFrame():expandTemplate{ title ='documentation', args = { 'Template:Creator/documentation' } }
results = results .. box .. doc -- add documentation to pages in creator namespace
return results
-- ===========================================================================
-- === This function is responsible for adding maintenance categories ===
-- === which are not related to wikidata ===
-- === INPUTS: ===
-- === * args - merged data from the local arguments and Wikidata ===
-- ===========================================================================
local function add_maintenance_categories(args)
local cats = '' -- categories
-- ====================================================
-- === automatic tagging of pages in all namespaces ===
-- ====================================================
if args.type=='' or args.type=='person' then
-- add an empty template which can be used as a tag in PetScan
local dod = args.deathyear or args.deathdate -- date of death
local dob = args.birthyear or args.birthdate -- date of birth
local d = os.date('!*t') -- current date table
local year = tonumber(d.year) -- current year
local pma = nil -- years since death
if dod then
dod = tonumber(ISOdate._ISOyear(dod))
if dod then
pma = year-dod
if dob and not pma then
dob = tonumber(ISOdate._ISOyear(dob))
if dob then
pma = year-dob-100 -- Assumes max 100 lifespan
-- Add empty tag templates to track different cases
if pma and pma>100 then
mw.getCurrentFrame():expandTemplate{ title ='Works of authors who died more than 100 years ago' }
elseif pma and pma>70 then
mw.getCurrentFrame():expandTemplate{ title ='Works of authors who died more than 70 years ago' }
elseif (dod or dob or 0)>year-65 then
mw.getCurrentFrame():expandTemplate{ title ='Works of authors who died less than 65 years ago' }
-- ============================================================
-- === automatic categorization of pages in File: namespace ===
-- ============================================================
if args.namespace==6 then
if not args.image then
mw.getCurrentFrame():expandTemplate{ title = 'Creator template without image' } -- add the template tag
return cats
-- ===============================================================
-- === automatic categorization of pages in Creator: namespace ===
-- ===============================================================
if args.namespace~=100 then
return cats
-- add [[Category:Creator templates]] category
cats = cats .. string.format('\n[[Category:Creator templates|%s]]',args.sortkey or ' ')
-- check for key information
if not args.linkback and not args.wikidata then
cats = cats .. '\n[[Category:Creator templates without linkback]]'
if not args.name then
cats = cats .. '\n[[Category:Creator templates without name]]'
-- add homecat category
if args.homecat then
cats = cats .. string.format('\n[[Category:%s]]',args.homecat)
-- add type category
if args.type then
local lut = {
['commons user'] = '\n[[Category:User creator templates]]',
['corporation'] = '\n[[Category:Corporate creator templates]]',
['group'] = '\n[[Category:Group creator templates]]',
cats = cats .. (lut[args.type] or '')
if args.type=='commons user' then
return cats -- for commons user do not add other maintenance categories
-- ===============================================================
-- === automatic categorization of pages in Creator: namespace ===
-- === all pages except: 'commons user' ===
-- ===============================================================
-- check for image
if not args.image then
cats = cats .. '\n[[Category:Creator templates without images]]'
-- check for wikidata q-code
if not args.wikidata then
cats = cats .. '\n[[Category:Creator templates without Wikidata link]]'
-- check for homecat
if not args.homecat then
cats = cats .. '\n[[Category:Creator templates without home category]]'
local hc = mw.title.new('Category:'..args.homecat)
if not hc.exists then
cats = cats .. '\n[[Category:Creator templates with non-existing home categories]]'
hc = mw.title.new('Creator:'..args.homecat)
if hc:localUrl() ~= mw.title.getCurrentTitle():localUrl() then
cats = cats .. '\n[[Category:Creator templates with non-matching home categories]]'
return cats
-- ===========================================================================
-- === This function is responsible for adding maintenance categories ===
-- === to pages in category namespace ===
-- === INPUTS: ===
-- === * args - local inputs from the creator template page ===
-- ===========================================================================
local function add_categories_to_category_namespace(args)
local cats
if args.namespace~=14 or (args.homecat and mw.title.new('Category:' .. args.homecat):localUrl() ~= mw.title.getCurrentTitle():localUrl()) then
return '' -- if not a home category than exit
local sortkey = "|" .. (args.sortkey or '')
if #sortkey==1 then sortkey='' end
cats = string.format('\n[[Category:Creator template home categories%s]]', sortkey)
-- check for wikidata q-code
if not args.wikidata then
cats = cats .. '\n[[Category:Creator template home categories without Wikidata link]]'
if args.command == 'autocategorize' then
-- add basic categories to the creator page
cats = string.format('%s\n[[Category:People by name%s]]', cats, sortkey)
if args.deathyear then
cats = string.format('%s\n[[Category:%i deaths%s]]', cats, args.deathyear, sortkey)
if args.birthyear then
cats = string.format('%s\n[[Category:%i births%s]]', cats, args.birthyear, sortkey)
return cats
-- ===========================================================================
-- === This function is responsible for adding maintenance categories ===
-- === to pages in creator namespace which are related to wikidata ===
-- === INPUTS: ===
-- === * args0 - local inputs from the creator template page ===
-- === * args1 - merge of local and wikidata metadata ===
-- === * data - data pulled from Wikidata ===
-- ===========================================================================
local function add_categories_to_creator_namespace(args0, args1, data)
local cats = '' -- categories
local qsTable = {} -- table to store QuickStatements
local comp = {} -- outcome of argument vs. wikidata comparison
local today = '+' .. os.date('!%F') .. 'T00:00:00Z/11' -- today's date in QS format
-- two forms of QuickStatements command with and without quotes
local qsCommand = {'%s|%s|%s|S143|Q24731821|S813|' .. today, '%s|%s|"%s"|S143|Q24731821|S813|' .. today}
-- compare Linkback to the actual page name. Many "Linkbacks" are created with
-- tool which produces & and ' instead of "&" and "'"
if args0.linkback then
local linkback = args0.linkback
linkback = mw.ustring.gsub(linkback, ''', "'")
linkback = mw.ustring.gsub(linkback, '&', "&")
if linkback~=args0.pagename then
cats = cats .. '\n[[Category:Creator templates with mismatching linkback]]'
-- add [[Category:Creator templates with unknown parameter]] category, if some parameter not on the following list is used
local fields = {'name', 'alternative_names', 'sortkey', 'birthdate', 'deathdate', 'birthloc', 'deathloc', 'workperiod', 'workloc', 'collapse',
'image', 'homecat', 'nationality', 'gender', 'occupation', 'description', 'authority', 'type', 'wikisource', 'wikiquote', 'command',
'namespace', 'linkback', 'wikidata', 'lang', 'pagename', 'reference', 'references', 'lifespan', 'birthyear', 'deathyear', 'option' }
local set = {}
for _, field in ipairs(fields) do set[field] = true end
for field, _ in pairs( args0 ) do
if not set[field] then
cats = string.format('%s\n[[Category:Creator templates with unknown parameter|%s]]', cats, field)
-- add [[Category:Wikidata based creator templates]] and [[Category:Creator templates with Wikidata link: local linkback]]
local val = {wikidata=1, option=0, linkback=0, lang=0, namespace=0, pagename=0, type=0, command=0 }
local hash = 0;
for field, _ in pairs( args0 ) do
hash = hash + (val[field] or 10)
if hash==1 then
cats = string.format('%s\n[[Category:Creator templates based only on Wikidata|%s]]', cats, args1.sortkey or '')
-- if no q-code but we have "create" input argument then create new item
if not args0.wikidata and args0.command == 'create item' then
local description
table.insert( qsTable, 'CREATE' )
table.insert( qsTable, 'LAST|P31|Q5|S143|Q24731821' ) -- instance of human
table.insert( qsTable, 'LAST|Len|"'.. args0.pagename .. '"' ) -- english label
if args0.nationality and args0.occupation then
local lang = args0.lang
args0.lang = 'en';
description, _, _ = NationAndOccupation(args0)
args0.lang = lang
if args1.birthyear and args1.deathyear then
description = string.format('%s (%s-%s)', description, args1.birthyear, args1.deathyear)
table.insert( qsTable, 'LAST|Den|"'.. description .. '"' ) -- english description
args0.wikidata = 'LAST'
-- skip the rest if no q-code
if not args0.wikidata then
return cats, args1
-- mark parameters as "local" if they are present in creator template
local fields = {'name', 'birthdate', 'deathdate', 'birthyear', 'deathyear', 'birthloc', 'deathloc', 'image',
'homecat', 'nationality', 'gender', 'occupation', 'description', 'authority', 'wikisource', 'wikiquote', 'sortkey' }
for _, field in ipairs( fields ) do
if args0[field] then
comp[field] = 'local'
-- redundant if commons creator template and wikidata have those fields, without checking values
local fields = {'wikiquote', 'wikisource' }
for _, field in ipairs( fields ) do
if args0[field] and data[field] then
comp[field] = 'redundant'
-- ==================================================
-- === time fields =================================
-- ==================================================
local fields = {birthdate='P569', deathdate='P570' }
local a1, a2, d1, d2, dy
for field, prop in pairs( fields ) do
a1 = args0[field] -- original creator template value often in iso (YYYY or YYYY-MM-DD) format
a2 = args1[field] -- translated creator template value
d1 = data[field .. '_'] -- wikidata value in iso (YYYY or YYYY-MM-DD) format
d2 = data[field] -- translated wikidata value
dy = tostring(data[string.gsub(field, 'date', 'year')]) -- wikidata year value
if a1 and not (string.match(a1,"^%d%d%d%d$") or string.match(a1,"^%d%d%d%d%-%d%d$") or string.match(a1,"^%d%d%d%d%-%d%d%-%d%d$")) then -- if YYYY or YYYY-MM-DD format
a1 = nil -- delete if not in iso format
if a1 then -- local date in iso form
if (a1==d1) or (a2 and a2==d2) or (#a1==4 and a1==dy) then
comp[field] = 'redundant' -- matching iso value, translated value and commons-year matching wikidata date
elseif d1 and a1~=d1 then
comp[field] = 'mismatching'
elseif not d2 then -- missing on Wikidata
comp[field] = 'item missing'
-- create QS string so the Commons value can be uploded to Wikidata
if (comp[field]=='item missing') or (#a1>4 and d1 and #d1==4 and string.sub(a1,1,4)==d1) then
local val = isodate2timestamp(a1)
if val then
table.insert( qsTable, string.format(qsCommand[1], args0.wikidata, prop, val) )
-- ==================================================
-- === birthloc / deathloc place fields ============
-- ==================================================
local fields = {birthloc='P19', deathloc='P20' }
for field, prop in pairs( fields ) do
local a1, a2, d1, d2, dy, _
a2 = args0[field] -- creator template value
d1 = data[field] -- wikidata q-code
if a2 then
a1, _ = City.qCode(a2) -- q-code for original creator template value
if d1 then
d2 = Wikidata2._getLabel(d1, 'en', '-') -- get english label
dy = Wikidata2._getLabel(d1, args0.lang)
if (a1 and a1==d1) or (a2 and a2==d2) then
comp[field] = 'redundant' -- matching q-code and name
elseif (a1 and d1 and a1~=d1) or (a2 and d2 and a2~=d2) then
comp[field] = 'mismatching'
elseif a1 and not d2 then -- missing on Wikidata
comp[field] = 'item missing'
table.insert( qsTable, string.format(qsCommand[1], args0.wikidata, prop, a1) )
elseif a2 and not d2 then
comp[field] = 'item missing'
data [field..'_'] = d1
args0[field..'_'] = a1
data [field] = dy
-- ==================================================
-- === workloc field ===============================
-- ==================================================
if (args0.workloc and args0.workloc==data.workloc_en) then
comp.workloc = 'redundant' -- matching q-code and name
elseif args0.workloc and not data.workloc then -- missing on Wikidata
comp.workloc = 'item missing'
-- ==================================================
-- === nationality and occupation ==================
-- ==================================================
local fields = { nationality='nationality_', occupation='occupationEN' }
data.nationality_ = data.nationality
for field, field_ in pairs( fields ) do
local a1, a2, ad
a1 = args1[field_] -- creator template value
d1 = data [field_] -- wikidata q-code
ad = intersect(a1, d1)
if (a1 and d1 and #a1==#ad and (#d1==#ad or field=='occupation')) then
-- for nationality all values on Commons must be the same as on Wikidata
-- for occupation all commons values have to be on Wikidata but wikidata can have more than that
comp[field] = 'redundant'
elseif (a1 and d1 and #a1>#ad) then
comp[field] = 'mismatching' -- some commons values are not on Wikidata
elseif a1 and not d1 then -- missing on Wikidata
comp[field] = 'item missing'
-- ==================================================
-- === gender ===============================
-- ==================================================
if args0.gender then -- look up q-codes of gender
local GenderLut = { male='Q6581097', female='Q6581072'}
a1 = GenderLut[mw.ustring.lower(args0.gender)] -- look up q-code for each gender
d1 = GenderLut[data.gender] -- wikidata q-code
if a1 and d1 and a1~=d1 then
comp.gender = 'mismatching'
elseif a1 and d1 and a1==d1 then
comp.gender = 'redundant'
elseif a1 and not d1 then
comp.gender = 'item missing'
table.insert( qsTable, string.format(qsCommand[1], args0.wikidata, 'P21', a1) )
-- ==================================================
-- === odds and ends ===============================
-- ==================================================
if args0.image then
args0.image_ = mw.uri.decode( args0.image, "WIKI" )
args0.linkback_ = args0.pagename;
args0.homecat_ = args0.homecat;
local fields = {image='P18', linkback='P1472', homecat='P373'}
for field, prop in pairs( fields ) do
a1 = args0[field..'_'] -- creator template value
d1 = data[field] -- wikidata q-code
if a1 and d1 and a1~=d1 then
comp[field] = 'mismatching'
elseif a1 and d1 and a1==d1 then
comp[field] = 'redundant'
elseif a1 and not d1 then
comp[field] = 'item missing'
table.insert( qsTable, string.format(qsCommand[2], args0.wikidata, prop, a1) )
if comp.linkback == 'redundant' and (hash~=1 or not args0.linkback) then
comp.linkback = nil
if args0.sortkey and data.sortkey and args0.sortkey==data.sortkey then
comp.sortkey = 'redundant'
if args0.description and args1.description_==args0.description then -- description is "French painter" while nationality is FR and occupation is "painter"
comp.description = 'redundant'
-- ==================================================
-- === alter look of some fields ===
-- ==================================================
local fields = {'birthloc', 'deathloc', 'birthdate', 'deathdate' }
for _, field in ipairs( fields ) do
if ( comp[field] == 'mismatching' ) or ( comp[field] == 'local' and data[field] ) then
args1[field] = string.format('<span style=\"background-color:PeachPuff\">%s</span> <br/>%s', args1[field], data[field])
elseif ( comp[field] == 'redundant' ) then
args1[field] = string.format('<span style=\"background-color:Thistle\">%s</span>', args1[field])
elseif ( comp[field] == 'item missing' and args1[field]) then
args1[field] = string.format('<span style=\"background-color:PeachPuff\">%s</span>', args1[field])
-- ==================================================
-- === Create categories and QuickStatement codes ===
-- ==================================================
-- create categories based on comp structure
for field, outcome in pairs( comp ) do
cats = string.format('%s\n[[Category:Creator templates with Wikidata link: %s %s]]', cats, outcome, field)
-- convert QS table to a string
local QS = '' -- quick_statements final string
if #qsTable>0 then
local qsHeader = 'https://tools.wmflabs.org/quickstatements/index_old.html#v1='
local qsWrapper = ' [[File:Commons_to_Wikidata_QuickStatements.svg|15px|link=%s]]'
QS = table.concat( qsTable, '%0A')
QS = mw.ustring.gsub(QS, '|', "%%09")
QS = mw.ustring.gsub(QS, '"', "%%22")
QS = mw.ustring.gsub(QS, ' ', "%%20")
QS = string.format(qsWrapper, qsHeader .. QS)
cats = cats .. '\n[[Category:Creator templates with Wikidata link: quick statements]]'
args1.QS = QS;
return cats, args1
-- ===========================================================================
-- === Harvest wikidata properties matching creator template fields ==========
-- ===========================================================================
local function getPropertyQual(entity, prop, qualifiers, lang, offset)
local Res = {}
if entity.claims and entity.claims[prop] then
for k, statement in ipairs( entity:getBestStatements( prop )) do
if (statement.mainsnak.snaktype == "value") then
local res = {} -- table with fields: key, value, P... (qualifiers)
local jdn = k -- "Julian day number" will be used as a key for sorting events; initialize
local val = statement.mainsnak.datavalue.value.id
val = Wikidata2._getLabel(val, lang)
res.value = val
for iQual, qual in ipairs( qualifiers ) do
if statement.qualifiers and statement.qualifiers[qual] then
local snak = statement.qualifiers[qual][1]
if (snak.snaktype == "value" and snak.datatype == 'time') then
val = qualifierDate(snak, lang)
if iQual==1 then -- first qualifier in the qualifiers list will be used as a sorting value
jdn = val.jdn
val = val.str
res[qual] = val
res.key = jdn
table.insert(Res, res)
local tableComp = function (rec1, rec2) return rec1.key<rec2.key end
table.sort(Res, tableComp)
return Res
-- ===========================================================================
local function get_work_location(entity, lang)
-- work_location (P937) / 'P580', 'P582' (time properties)
local prop = getPropertyQual(entity, 'P937', {'P580', 'P582', 'P585'}, lang)
local X={}
for _, p in ipairs(prop) do
local str = p.value
if p.P580 or p.P582 then
str = string.format("%s (%s–%s)", p.value, p.P580 or '', p.P582 or '')
elseif p.P585 then
str = string.format("%s (%s)", p.value, p.P585)
str = p.value
table.insert(X, str)
if #X>0 then
return table.concat(X,"; ")
return nil
-- ===========================================================================
local function harvest_wikidata(qCode, lang, namespace, pagename)
local str, d
local data = {} -- structure similar to "args" but filled with wikidata data
local cats = ''
local entity = nil
if mw.wikibase and qCode then
entity = mw.wikibase.getEntity(qCode)
if not entity then
cats = '[[Category:Creator templates with bad Wikidata link|invalid]]'
elseif entity.id~=qCode then
cats = '[[Category:Creator templates with redirected Wikidata link]]'
if not entity then
return data, cats
-- ===========================================================================
-- === Step 1: time properties
-- ===========================================================================
-- harvest time properties: translated date and year number
local d1 = getDate(entity, 'P569' , lang)
local d2 = getDate(entity, 'P570' , lang)
local d3 = getDate(entity, 'P1636', lang)
local d4 = getDate(entity, 'P4602', lang)
data.birthdate, data.birthdate_, data.birthyear = d1.str, d1.iso, d1.year
data.deathdate, data.deathdate_, data.deathyear = d2.str, d2.iso, d2.year
data.baptism, data.baptismyear = d3.str, d3.year
data.burial, data.burialyear = d4.str, d4.year
-- baptism date as birth date
if not data.birthdate and data.baptism then
data.birthdate = mw.getCurrentFrame():expandTemplate{ title='Lifetime date', args={'baptism', data.baptism, lang=lang} }
data.birthyear = data.baptismyear
-- burial date as death date
if not data.birthdate and data.baptism then
data.deathdate = mw.getCurrentFrame():expandTemplate{ title='Lifetime date', args={'buried', data.burial, lang=lang} }
data.deathyear = data.burialyear
data.birthyear = tostring(data.birthyear or '')
data.deathyear = tostring(data.deathyear or '')
-- workperiod
local property = { P2031='workperiod1', P2032='workperiod2', P1317='workperiod'}
for prop, field in pairs( property ) do
d1 = getDate(entity, prop, lang)
data[field] = d1.str
if not data.workperiod and (data.workperiod1 or data.workperiod2) then
data.workperiod = (data.workperiod1 or '') .. '–' .. (data.workperiod2 or '')
data.workloc = get_work_location(entity, lang)
data.workloc_en = get_work_location(entity, 'en')
-- lifespan displayed after name
if data.birthyear~='' or data.deathyear~='' then
data.lifespan = string.format('(%s–%s)', data.birthyear, data.deathyear)
elseif data.workperiod then -- create from work period
data.lifespan = string.format('([[d:Q36424|fl.]] %s)', data.workperiod)
-- ===========================================================================
-- === Step 2: simple string and Q-code properties
-- ===========================================================================
-- harvest string and Q-code properties
local property = {P18='image', P19='birthloc', P20='deathloc', P31='instance', P109='signature',
P373='homecat', P734='lastname', P735='firstname', P1472='linkback'}
for prop, field in pairs( property ) do
if entity.claims and entity.claims[prop] then -- if we have wikidata item and item has the property
-- capture single "best" Wikidata value
for _, statement in pairs( entity:getBestStatements( prop )) do
if (statement.mainsnak.snaktype == "value") then
local v = statement.mainsnak.datavalue.value
if v.id then v = v.id end
data[field] = v
-- get "sortkey" field
if not data.sortkey then
local lastname, firstname, name_part
if data.lastname then
lastname = Wikidata2._getLabel(data.lastname, lang, "-")
elseif namespace == 100 then
name_part = mw.text.split(pagename, '%(')
name_part = mw.text.trim (name_part[1])
name_part = mw.text.split(name_part, ' ')
lastname = name_part[#name_part]
lastname = "ZZZ"
data.lastname = lastname
if data.firstname then
firstname = Wikidata2._getLabel(data.firstname, lang, "-")
firstname = data.linkback or ''
data.sortkey = lastname .. ', ' .. firstname
-- convert gender
data.gender_ = data.gender
if data.gender=='Q6581097' or data.gender=='Q2449503' then
data.gender = 'male'
if data.gender=='Q6581072' or data.gender=='Q1052281' then
data.gender = 'female'
data.image = data.image or data.signature
-- =================================================================================
-- === Step 5: name, wikisource, wikiquote, alternative_names and authority control
-- =================================================================================
-- get name field
data.name = Wikidata2._getLabel(entity, lang, "wikipedia") -- create name based on wikidata label
-- prepare fallback list of languages
local langList = mw.language.getFallbacksFor(lang)
table.insert(langList, 1, lang)
-- get wikisource and wikiquote link
local projects = {s='wikisource', q='wikiquote'}
for code, project in pairs(projects) do
local sitelinks = Wikidata2._sitelinks(entity, project)
if sitelinks then
local lng, _ = next(sitelinks) -- get language of the first sitelink
table.insert(langList, lng) -- and add it to the list so there is at least one lang with sitelink on the list
for _, language in ipairs(langList) do
local sitelink = sitelinks[language]
if sitelink then
data[project] = string.format('%s:%s:%s', code, language, sitelink)
-- get alternative names
for _, lng in ipairs(langList) do
local aliasTable = Wikidata2._aliases(entity, lng)
if #aliasTable>0 and #aliasTable<8 then -- skip aliases if more than 8 of them
data.alternative_names = table.concat( aliasTable, '; ')
-- get authority control template
local AC_cats
local nIdent = nil -- number of authority control identifiers to display (nil means unlimited)
if namespace == 6 then
nIdent = 5 -- limit number of identifiers in file namespace for clarity
data.authority, AC_cats = authorityControl(entity, {wikidata = qCode}, lang, nIdent)
if not (namespace == 2 or namespace == 6 or namespace == 828 or math.fmod(namespace,2)==1) then
cats = cats .. AC_cats -- lets not add authorityControl categories to user pages, files, modules or talk pages and concentrate on templates and categories instead
return data, cats
-- ==================================================
-- === External functions ===========================
-- ==================================================
local p = {}
-- ===========================================================================
-- === Version of the function to be called from other LUA codes
-- ===========================================================================
function p._creator(args)
local lang = args.lang -- user's language
local cats = '' -- categories
local str, data
-- look up title info
args.namespace = mw.title.getCurrentTitle().namespace -- get page namespace
args.pagename = mw.title.getCurrentTitle().text -- get {{PAGENAME}}
-- ===========================================================================
-- === Step 1: clean up of template arguments "args"
-- ===========================================================================
args.type = string.lower(args.type or 'person') -- if 'type' field is not specified than set to "person"
if args.linkback then
args.linkback = string.sub(args.linkback,9)
-- clean up "gender" field
if string.sub(args.gender or '',1,1)=='m' then args.gender= 'male' end
if string.sub(args.gender or '',1,1)=='f' then args.gender='female' end
--make a copy of args structure to capture raw inputs
local args0 = {} -- original args
for name, value in pairs( args ) do
args0[name] = value
--get birthyear and deathyear from full dates
if args.birthdate then
args.birthyear = empty2nil(ISOdate._ISOyear(args.birthdate))
args.birthdate = ISOdate._ISOdate(args.birthdate, lang)
if args.deathdate then
args.deathyear = empty2nil(ISOdate._ISOyear(args.deathdate))
args.deathdate = ISOdate._ISOdate(args.deathdate, lang)
-- ===========================================================================
-- === Step 2: one by one merge wikidata and creator data
-- ===========================================================================
data, cats = harvest_wikidata(args.wikidata, lang, args.namespace, args.pagename)
local description, args1, data1 = NationAndOccupation(args)
local fields = {'nationality', 'occupation', 'gender', 'occupationEN'}
for _, field in ipairs( fields ) do
args[field] = args1[field]
data[field] = data1[field]
args.nationality_ = args.nationality
-- mass merge (prioritize local values)
fields = {'name', 'alternative_names', 'sortkey', 'birthdate', 'deathdate', 'birthloc', 'deathloc', 'workperiod',
'image', 'homecat', 'nationality', 'gender', 'occupation', 'authority', 'wikisource', 'wikiquote', 'workloc',
'linkback', 'lifespan', 'birthyear', 'deathyear', 'collapse' }
for _, field in ipairs( fields ) do
args[field] = args[field] or data[field]
-- process "name" field
if args.option and args.option~='' then -- modify name based on "option" parameter
local base_name = args.name
-- call [[module:Name]] with the task
args.name = alterName(args.option, args.name, lang)
if args.name == "name not supported" then
args.name = base_name
cats = cats .. '\n[[Category:Bad use of creator template - option]]'
-- process places fields
-- locations can be words or q -codes. Add links
args.birthloc = City._city(args.birthloc, lang)
args.deathloc = City._city(args.deathloc, lang)
if args.workloc and not string.find(args.workloc, ' ') then
args.workloc = City._city(args.workloc, lang) -- single word workloc will get a link
-- lifespan displayed after name
if args.lifespan then
args.lifespan = string.gsub(args.lifespan, '-', '–') -- use special dash
-- process "Authority Control" field
args.authority_tag = Wikidata2._getLabel("Q36524", args.lang, "wikipedia", "ucfirst")
-- process "description" field
-- Add phrase like "French painter" to the description field
if description and #description>0 then
if args.description then
args.description_= description
args.description = description .. '<br/>' .. args.description
args.description = description
-- use Normalization Form D to convert string with accented characters to more sort friendly format
-- See http://unicode.org/reports/tr15/ for examples
args.sortkey = mw.ustring.toNFD(args.sortkey or '')
-- references are only shown in ''Creator'' namespace
if args.namespace~=100 then
args.references = nil
-- convert all empty strings to nils
for _, field in ipairs( fields ) do
if args[field] == '' then
args[field] = nil;
-- ===========================================================================
-- === Step 3: create maintenance categories and render html of the table
-- ===========================================================================
if args.namespace==14 and (args.type=='' or args.type=='person') then
cats = cats .. add_categories_to_category_namespace(args)
cats = cats .. add_maintenance_categories(args)
-- If creator namespace and "person" template than add maintenance categories
args.QS = nil;
if args.namespace==100 and (args.type=='' or args.type=='person') then
str, args = add_categories_to_creator_namespace(args0, args, data)
cats = cats .. str
local results = Build_html(args, cats)
return results, cats
-- ===========================================================================
-- === Version of the function to be called from template namespace
-- ===========================================================================
function p.creator(frame)
-- switch to lowercase parameters to make them case independent
local args = {}
for name, value in pairs( frame:getParent().args ) do
if value ~= '' then -- nuke empty strings
local name1 = string.gsub( string.lower(name), ' ', '_')
args[name1] = value
for name, value in pairs( frame.args ) do
if value ~= '' then -- nuke empty strings
local name1 = string.gsub( string.lower(name), ' ', '_')
args[name1] = value
if not (args.lang and mw.language.isSupportedLanguage(args.lang)) then
args.lang = frame:callParserFunction( "int", "lang" ) -- get user's chosen language
-- alias field names
args.references = args.references or args.reference -- two alternative names for references
-- parse args.option field, which is passed through individual Creator template (page in Creator namespace)
local options = mw.text.split(args.option or '', '/') -- individual keywords can be separated by "/"
args.option = nil
for _, option in pairs( options ) do
if option == 'autocategorize' then
args.command = option -- some "options" are to modify the name and some are commands to do things
elseif option == 'collapse' then
args.collapse = 1 -- some "options" are to modify the name and some are commands to do things
elseif #option>3 then
args.option = option
if args.wikidata == "create" then
args.command = "create item"
args.wikidata = nil
-- Create invisible language independent marking in format similar to QuickStatements code based on Wikidata and Option
local QS = ''
if args.wikidata and string.match(args.wikidata or '', "^Q%d+$") then -- invisible language independent marking
if not args.option then -- no "option" modifier
QS = string.format('P170,%s', args.wikidata)
local qual = {['attributed to']='P1773', ['workshop of']='P1774', ['follower of']='P1775', ['circle of']='P1776',
['manner of'] ='P1777', ['possibly'] ='P1779', ['school of'] ='P1780', ['after'] ='P1877'}
QS = string.format('P170,Q4233718,%s,%s', qual[args.option] or 'P?', args.wikidata)
QS = string.format('<div style="display: none;">creator QS:%s</div>\n', QS)
-- call the inner "core" function
local results, cats = p._creator(args)
return results .. QS .. cats
return p